Oil Paintings & Pastels

My paintings are bold and fearless. They reflect the natural wonders of the world around me, my philosophy of life, and my commitment to the exploration of creativity, design, and style.

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  • Land

    Born, raised and educated in Brooklyn, New York, I never imagined that I would be spending 6 months of the year in magnificent Maine. I am surrounded by inspiration from late Spring until I return early December to White Plains, New York with my husband. The seasonal changes are breathtaking and my art grows every year. I am struck by the shapes and shadows of the trees and they are a constant in my work.

    Explore Land Works 
  • Sky

    There is nothing more spectacular than the skies and clouds of Maine. The air is so clear that the colors I see are almost unbelievable in strength and vibrancy.

    Explore Sky Works 
  • Sea

    The beauty of being in coastal Maine is the presence of water. One of the best views of the surf would be at Pemaquid Point. The patterns created in the waves crashing against the rocks are very much akin to my days as a textile designer and I find that capturing and isolating the way that colors change in the water are what I seek to isolate and paint.

    Explore Sea Works 
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